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Tattile Academy includes online manuals of all products and interactive courses (© Alexandersikov Dreamstime.com)

ITS INTERNATIONAL: Tattile establishes learning portal

Tattile Academy content will be expanded in the coming months

By Ben Spencer – ITS, October 13, 2021

Tattile has released the first version of an online learning environment for its channel partners that will contain courses about automatic numberplate recognition (ANPR) cameras.

Tattile chief commercial officer Massimiliano Cominelli says: “We believe that the launch will help our channel partners to obtain all information and skills needed to plan and execute the installation and commissioning of our ANPR solutions successfully.

“The portal provides our clients with all the instruments needed to become experts in our ANPR solutions. And the great thing is that this information and these tools are available at any time and place that is convenient to them. Of course, our field engineers and commercial staff will remain available to provide personal support.”

The first published content on the Tattile Academy consists of an extensive F&Q section that covers all camera models, online manuals of all Tattile products and interactive courses for Vega Basic and Vega Smart products.

Users can interact with the contents and check their knowledge through quizzes.

The content and tools available in the Tattile Academy will be expanded in the coming months.

Read the article on ITS International website