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artificial intelligence cameras

OCR system

“Tattile OCR system for Myanmar tolling” on ITS International

ANPR specialist Tattile has launched its licence plate recognition camera for stop-and-go tolling in Myanmar (formerly known as Burma). The south-east Asian country is steadily moving towards digitalisation, according to Tattile, and the new set-up uses the Italian […]

“Tattile OCR system for Myanmar tolling” on ITS International Read More »

license plate recognition camera myanmar

Tattile’s license plate recognition camera for stop-and-go tolling in Myanmar

With a growing demand for modern solutions to optimize processes and infrastructure, Myanmar is steadily moving towards digitalization, aiming to overcome traditional challenges by embracing advanced technologies. In this context, the new stop-and-go project developed by

Tattile’s license plate recognition camera for stop-and-go tolling in Myanmar Read More »

LPR camera

Tattile LPR cameras power Brazil’s first free-flow tolling operation

Brazil has introduced its first and largest free-flow tolling operation, marking a significant shift in its toll collection system. This innovation, powered by Tattile’s high-performance LPR camera, aims to streamline toll operations while reducing operational costs

Tattile LPR cameras power Brazil’s first free-flow tolling operation Read More »

automatic license plate recognition

Tattile Automatic License Plate Recognition cameras land in Turkey!

Almost twenty years ago, Tattile began a successful collaboration with Fideltus, a company primarily focused on offering high-tech vehicle tracking and license plate recognition systems. Turkey recently started a major operation to better its roadway system,

Tattile Automatic License Plate Recognition cameras land in Turkey! Read More »

artificial intelligence cameras

Tattile’s artificial intelligence cameras: Stark OCR and Tolling+

Tattile, an Italian company leader in advanced artificial intelligence cameras, has developed a range of high-performance products and software solutions for traffic management. Their Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology and Smart Tolling+ camera are particularly significant

Tattile’s artificial intelligence cameras: Stark OCR and Tolling+ Read More »

artificial intelligence cameras

ITS International “A.I. in transportation: Stark OCR and Tolling+”

Tattile, an Italian company leader in advanced artificial intelligence cameras, has developed a range of high-performance products and software solutions for traffic management. Their Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology and Smart Tolling+ camera are particularly significant

ITS International “A.I. in transportation: Stark OCR and Tolling+” Read More »