Home / Press Clipping / Argentina has introduced for the first time railroad crossing enforcement: Pilar moves a step forward in security.

Argentina has introduced for the first time railroad crossing enforcement: Pilar moves a step forward in security.

From la Nación – Julia D’Arrisso

Pilar: sacan fotomultas a los autos que cruzan las vías del tren con la barrera baja

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Pilar:  enforcement system for vehicles crossing the railroad intersection with the low barriers

Last year in May a new control system has been implemented: we’re talking about a new camera capable to capture each vehicle crossing the streets with low barriers. The user who commits an infringement will receive a fine up to 13.000$.

At the height of Avenida de Mayo, near the Presidente Derqui station of the San Martìn railway one ALPR camera has been installed. The camera catches each vehicle, bus, truck or every type of vehicle passing through the level crossing when the barrier is low.

The fine will be of 13.000$ or 6500$ if the user will pay voluntarily.

The initiative arose from the negotiations between the company Trenes Argentinos and the municipality of Pilar as a mechanism to “avoid accidents caused on the railway line”.

The camera’s location has been decided after a traffic measurement. According to the local statistics, there are on average 60 vehicles per day crossing the street with low barriers.

The camera is connected to a dashboard which controls the traffic trend and captures images of the vehicle crossing the barriers – this is what Trenes Argentinos explained.

Besides, they specified that “in front of a malfunction of the signals protecting the level crossing, the system allows to interrupt the collection of images to not give fines to the users. In these situations, Trenes Argentinos will place operational staff on-site to enable drivers to cross the intersection”

Both the camera and the infringement system will be charged to the municipality and the goal is to expand this project to other places like Moròn, Tres de Febrero, Quilmes and San Miguel. The crossing of low barriers has generated a replacement of 120 barriers in the metropolitan area for different breaks, given by the vehicles’ passage.

ph: Prensa Trenes Argentinos