Frequently Asked Questions
Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) is a highly accurate technology capable to read and record vehicle number plates without the need of human intervention. Thanks to this technology vehicles can be checked to see if they have been stolen, belong to people involved in criminal activities, have been parked illegally, etc.
The ANPR camera takes an image of a vehicle number plate; the letters and characters can be identified using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. An image of the view of the number plate and/or overview camera is then saved and checked against the database.
The main types of application of Tattile ANPR Cameras are tolling, vehicle tracking and enforcement. They can be used for many purposes such as Axle Counter, Free Flow, Stop & Go Tolling, Low Emission Zone, Homeland Security, Parking, Access Control, ANPR mobile, Speed Enforcement, Red Light enforcement, Bus lanes enforcement.
CCTVs are optimized for certain purpose, that is usually to provide a clear contrasted image to be saved or shown on video walls for security related activities. ANPR cameras are optimized for reading plates and providing other information about the vehicle (eg: brand recognition, color, etc), often in infrared wavelenghts and supporting high frame rates to detect and read fast moving vehicles while maintaining high image quality.
NPR cameras can not only read license plates but also detect the vehicles’ speed. Some ANPR cameras perform an optical estimation of vehicle speed by recognising at least twice the number plate within the field of view frame and by doing the operation distance over time. There is also a type of devices that combine ANPR technology with Doppler radar technology providing the vehicles’ speed. Finally, there are average speed estimation solutions where the recognition of the plate at a point A and a point B located at a predefined distance, comparing the timestamps of the detection occurred in each of the two points, can provide the data on average speed.
The typical user of ANPR cameras are law enforcement, municipalities vehicle tracking for smart cities and security-related purpose, and motorway tolling.
The main goal is to provide highly accurate automated reading of vehicles’ plate, to limit human manual review and automated processing of tasks.
Tattile ANPR cameras are installed in USA, Latin America, Europe, EMEA and APAC regions.
Tattile ANPR cameras can read plates in different alphabets, latin, cyrillic, arab, etc., including colored plates, characters, different plate colors. Tattile ANPR can be trained for newer plate styles and characters.
Some Tattile camera models allow to run additional third party OCR algorithms.
The number of lanes depends on the camera model and on the installation geometries and type of plates to be read. There are countries with plates with smaller characters, or more detailed character sets (arabs, etc). Usually the cameras can cover 1 or 2 lanes.
The number of vehicles per second managed by the camera depends on the camera model and on the application. Typical values are between 1 to 6 v/s.
Tattile Axle Counter system offers the capability to detect and to count the number of vehicles’ axles on a free flow application.
The Linux-based camera captures images with a high frame rate and process them with its internal deep learning algorithms (AI) trained over a very large number of images and continuously increasing to provide high performances in a compact processing device. The Axle Counter provides the resulting metadata together with the reconstructed image of the vehicle, giving evidence of the transit to the tolling operators.
Free-Flow tolling system allows toll collection without the need of toll booths. This allow to travel without ever finding barriers and the usual queues.
The Free Flow tolling system is composed by smart cameras installed on specific support structures called gantries. The smart cameras detect license plate numbers of vehicles in transit under the gantries and the data recorded are then transmitted to a central system for processing in order to identify the vehicle owner and cost of the toll.
Is an embedded machine vision system which, in addition to image capture circuitry, is capable of extracting application-specific information by built-in capability of processing the captured images, along with generating event descriptions or making decisions that are used in an intelligent and automated system. The Smart camera is capable of uploading and sharing processing results and images via built-in network connection.
Camera recording a vehicle’s speed using radar or other instrumentation and taking a photograph of the vehicle when it exceeds a threshold limit.
Cameras monitoring traffic flows, speeds and classifications on all lanes and turns of the intersections in real time and also create automatic traffic reports for traffic planners and consultants for later analysis.
Traffic monitoring cameras typically sit on top of traffic lights and monitoring traffic flows through an intersection.